Aýstralıadaǵy órtten jarty mıllıardqa jýyq janýar qyrylǵan (vıdeo)


Aýstralıadaǵy orman órtinen shamamen 500 mln janýar qyrylyp qaldy, dep jazady Qamshy.kz aqparat agenttigi. 

Sıdneı ýnıversıteti ekologtary taratqan derekke sensek, qyrkúıekten bergi órttiń saldarynan 480 mıllıonǵa jýyq janýar qyrylǵan jáne olardyń sany artýy múmkin. 

Sondaı-aq 24 adamnyń qaza tapqany jáne myńdaǵan úıdiń qıraǵany belgili boldy. Memlekettik jáne federaldy bılikpen qatar AQSH jáne basqa da elder órtti sóndirýge atsalysyp jatyr. Materıktegi ystyq aýa-raıy men qurǵaqshylyq órtti óshirýge kedergi keltirýde. 

Posmotret etý pýblıkasıý v Instagram

Follow us on a journey worldwide ? LOCATION #australia Video by Oakbank Balhannah CFS January 6 2020 Founder @boyephotografy Photo selected by Gunnel @boyephotografy ALL PHOTOS BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE PHOTOGRAPHERS ? Thank you for following @divine.worldplaces REF TAG #divine_worldplaces Visit our familygalleries for more beauty @DIVINE_LADOLCEVITA @DIVINE_VILLAGES @DIVINEINGREECE #prayforaustralia #ig_australia #travellingthroughtheworld #travelawesome #beautifuldestinations #wonderful_places #bestplacestogo #bestvacations #vacations #voyaged #fantastic_earth #bbctravel #visit #discover_vacations #living_destinations #vacations #hello_worldpics #nature  #awesomeearth #earthfocus #photography #places_wow #earthpix  #discover_vacations #discoverearth #awesome_photographers Sites for good causes you can search & donate to include: www.cfa.vic.gov.au www.givit.org.au www.cfsfoundation.org.au www.redcross.org.au www.koalahospital.org.au

Pýblıkasıa ot ???DIVINE.WORLDPLACES ??? (@divine.worldplaces)

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The fires in Australia right now are unimaginable. They are relentlessly continuing as strong winds and lack of rain persist. It’s very hard to know what to do to help, but there are ways in which you can. And now is the time to reach into your pockets. The RFS of NSW has indicated a number of ways in which you can donate to help those people and places affected. Here are some links to genuine charities that are on the ground directly working in areas affected: @wireswildliferescue @redcrossau @salvosau Please donate if you can. With 19 deaths, over 500 million animal deaths, and 5.9 million hectares of land destroyed, Australia is facing a crisis. Together we can at least try and help the people and environment of Australia to cope and then recover. Sending love to anyone affected right now.

Pýblıkasıa ot Clare | Take Me To Australia (@takemetoaustralia)

Sheteldik basylymdardyń málimetine súıensek, janýarlar arasynda eń kóp zardap shekkender – koalalar. Sebebi olar óte jaı qozǵalady jáne tez janyp ketetin evkalıpt aǵashtarynda ómir súredi. Sondaı-aq sol aǵashpen qorektenedi. Resmı derek boıynsha 4 aıda 8 myńǵa jýyq koala qyrylyp qalǵan. 

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